eye-ball portrait
Thank you for landing on my site. I hope you enjoy the work. I painted as a child but stopped when I reached high school in 1987.
In 2001 I visited a friend in Florence, Italy who studied Fine Arts at university. We got up early one morning and got to the Uffizi Gallery to be one of the first in and so begun my introduction to Western Art. I was mesmerised and in the years ahead I visited small galleries and big national galleries. Retrospectives, library galleries, small towns and large cities. I just absorbed art in as many ways as possible. I was fascinated with photography then and felt a little overwhelmed to paint.
I began making photo montages in 2009 of street photography that I called feetabout as my feet where always in the bottom of the image. After breaking my arm in Rome in 2013 I returned to London to have an operation and was offered work as a radiology porter. Thinking this was the best way to rehabilitate my arm I took the job. As I was walking so much for work, I decided to sit in the local park during my lunch hour and to pass the time I purchased a pen and paper and began to do quick sketches of people around my in a series I called People in the Park. I did something very important here as I chose not to judge myself but just to sketch and try my best to somehow capture the essence of the person.
In 2016 I took primary colours , black and white acrylic paint and an A3 pad to Morocco and traveled out to the edge of Algeria, to a small oasis town and began to paint. I used any idea as the starting point for the next painting. I painted on the street so that anyone could observe(and they did) as I wanted to accept whatever mark I made as mine and not become self conscious or embarrassed by what I was doing. On the first morning, as I watched the paint flow from the brush I remembered instantly that that was how I observed my self when i was 4 or 5 yrs of age, utterly transfixed by the flow of paint across the page.
I very soon realised this is what I had always loved to do and fortunately I was working as a bike courier. I worked a 70h+ week so that after 6 weeks I had worked 3 months and then took off a 6 weeks to paint. I lived like this until Covid. I would visit Turkey and stay in Fethiye. I would walk out to an abandoned house on the edge of the sea and paint all day before returning in the evening. I was given advice by those within the art world. Don't try sell to early as you may end up frozen in producing only what sells.
alistair ogilvie
Espedare, Isle of Sark
salmonComplx #3
Gouache 23.5 x 17cm
Tap on Image to enlarge
This site is a collection of photography, charcoal, pen and various paint mediums. I have held two exhibitions in the communal hall on the island of Sark where I now live. I like that where badminton or yoga classes are held, my work is up on the walls. I also took my photo montages to Spain and taped them to church walls or in a plaza and allowed people passing by to observe them. Somehow it felt fitting to let them be seen there. I designed an on line exhibition for my gouaches that mimics a Playstation controller for works that I called colourScapes. Alien Worlds is an exhibition to be held in August 24. It is me musing on the moon with watercolours and gouache on cambric cloth. Links below to all of these and more below...