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Loose Ends was an off handed remark a friend made here on the island of Sark She used it to describe those of us on the island who don't really fit in or who have drifted out to the edges of our society. Even thought that is where we are, we still haven't worked out what we want for ourselves and are still searching.  Anna said 'we, the loose ends on this island' and i liked that.

Loose End Gallery is opening for 3 weeks in September 2022

I want people who don't usually go to exhibitions to visit and if they do I want them to leave with a sense of wonderment to the world around them.  Art should not be closed off or so intimidating an environment that it forces people away who don't usually step inside a gallery.  I have been lucky enough to use the Island Hall and so some nights badminton or table tennis will take place in the hall which I think is just how it should be.

All charcoals are for sale for any enqueries

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Who I am v2.png
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Tap On Drawing

Best in Landscape mode for Mobile

5 Heads

in a Jar

Acacia Dreaming

Hard Living

Wonderful Mistake

3 Stalks in a Jar

Instagram Bird 1

Instagram Bird 2


Scallop Shell



Large Jar on Speaker

Any Which Way Home

Jar on Kitchen mantel 1

Jar on Kitchen Mantel 2

Time 'n Tide


Flowers for Jess

Front Door Sentry

Back Door Sentry 1



2 Stalks in a Jar

Meet el-Presidente

Crooked Stalk


Giorgio Morandi


Reeds on Water

Peace Lily

on Ma's Stoep



BackDoor Sentry


No Title

My Coat on Back

           of Door
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