
Over Christmas is 1968, Apollo 8 did a dummy run to the moon and back to test out system for a moon landing. On that journey they traversed to the far side of the moon to get a sling shot to begin the journey back to Earth. In doing so they witnessed something no one had ever seen before. An earthrise. Pictures were taken for the first time of the earth captured within a single frame. That image changed how many saw the earth. And how we see ourselves. It brought forth the first environmental movements, it changed how we saw ourselves because it changed how we perceived the space we live in. As Capurnicus did by stating the sun is the centre of our galaxy. It forced a re imagining of ourselves to allow a new understanding to fit in.
The re-imagining of ourselves by understanding how we move through the world we live in is a wonderfully important thing. Like shedding skin, it allows us to let go of habits which we may realise later were preventing us from seeing the world differently.

50word Story
When the plane flew overhead, the one weekly international flight out, he would run outside and climb the wall to stand.
Summer twilight was best, the sky a colour of washed out blue.
He would stare at the flashing lights until they disappeared.
Then he would stare at the stars.

Fish Hoek2
Cape Town 2012

When the plane flew overhead,the one
weekly international flight, he
would run outside and climb
the wall to stand.
Summer twilight was best, the sky a
colour of washed out blue.
He would stare at the
flashing lights
until they were gone
then he would star at the stars.

When the plane flew overhead,the one
When the plane flew overhead,the one
weekly international flight, i
would run outside and climb
the wall to stand.
Summer twilight was best, the sky a
colour of washed out blue.
flashing lights
until they were
then I stare at the
I would stare at the
at the stars.
are the means
justified in the end
gouache on paper
23cm x 17.5cm

Finger pinch to make video fill screen
are the means
justified in the end
gouache on paper
23.5cm x 17cm

panasonic Lx3
suspended man
ghost portrait series
Panasonic lumix Lx3
Namibia 2014

Over Christmas is 1968, Apollo 8 did a dummy run to the moon and back to test out system for a moon landing. On that journey they traversed to the far side of the moon to get a sling shot to begin the journey back to Earth. In doing so they witnessed something no one had ever seen before. An earthrise. Pictures were taken for the first time of the earth captured within a single frame. That image changed how many saw the earth. And how we see ourselves. It brought forth the first environmental movements, it changed how we saw ourselves because it changed how we perceived the space we live in. As Capurnicus did by stating the sun is the centre of our galaxy. It forced a re imagining of ourselves to allow a new understanding to fit in.
The re-imagining of ourselves by understanding how we move through the world we live in is a wonderfully important thing. Like shedding skin, it allows us to let go of habits which we may realise later were preventing us from seeing the world differently.